Reasons why you should use a travel agency in 2019

This year promises to be tough for the travel industry, because a record number of travelers are on their way to the sky, rivers and sea, with more ships, more flights and less legroom than Never Travel Market Report asked travel agencies why a traveler to their opinion should never travel without the help of a professional travel advisor. This is a good list to share with your customers and potential customers. This is what they said:10 Reasons You Should Use a Travel Agent in 2019

1. The journey is more complicated than ever.
With 24 new cruise ships online - regardless of the new resorts and new rates for airlines - keeping track of the options is a full-time job. And the growing trend towards family groups and friends traveling together makes every trip a much larger purchase. Professional help with planning and logistics can have a major impact on the amount of your expenses and the quality of your vacation.

2. Travel advisors know what's new and exciting.Why you should use a travel agent
The world is filled with incomparable experiences in 2019. Whether you want to see Passion Play in Oberammergau, the Tokyo Olympics, the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, the Cricket World Cup in Australia or the inauguration of Sailing Virgin Cruise, travel professionals have access to the best packages and exclusive events and understand how to navigate through logistics, said Ashley Metesh-McCoy.
3. They save you a lot of time and stress.
Of course it's nice to read about places to visit - but planning a trip is hard work and you never know what to believe. Travel agencies travel the world, ranging from hotel rooms to cruise ships to on-site and nearby restaurants. If they have not personally gone where you want to go, they know someone who does. They can answer your questions quickly and correctly.

4. Travel advisors have backs if you need a lawyer.
It blames global warming, God's actions or just the chance of a draw, but 2018 was a year of erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and failing airlines, not to mention bad weather, and 2019 promises to be the same. Regardless of whether the problem occurs, getting in or out, your travel agent takes you where you want to go.

5. No renovation is planned for holidays that went badly.
Life is busier and more difficult than ever and vacation time is more precious. Travel agencies can save you hours, not just by searching for the perfect vacation, but just waiting for staff and airlines to make your vacation perfect.
Travel advisors are committed to the happiness and satisfaction of their customers and want to ensure that every trip is filled with positive memories for life. They listen, suggest, adapt, understand and become friends ... not just a search engine or an anonymous voice. I am with you before, during and after your journey.Why you should use a travel agent
7. The world is constantly changing and travel agencies are there to experience it.
Has the Caribbean recovered from Hurricane Maria? Is it safe to travel to the Middle East? Travel advisors do not only sell a destination. They discover, explore and experience the places they offer, over and over again.

8. They often save you money and thus offer no more value.
Even if your travel agency charges a commission, the value you receive is greater than the value you paid. Cruise companies and many resorts receive the majority of their customers through travel agencies and reward the best with benefits to share with you.

9. Travel agencies offer unique services to the most demanding customers.
It all depends on who you know. And chances are that they know that boy or girl.

10. Like all professional consultants, they really know more than you.
You can cut your hair, pay taxes and give coffee, but a professional can do it better. You can also plan your vacation. Good luck

Other reflections from the field
We have discovered so much good information on this subject that we had to share some comments with you.


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